New Experience CyanogenMod 7.2 Kitkat Special Edition (For Samsung Galaxy Young)
-=| New Experience CyanogenMod 7.2 Kitkat Special Edition[Port!] |=-
Amazing New Experience KitKat
inspired by new Android 4.4
KitKat version.ROM ported by senior member Xicor Yagami.
ROM optimized & modified to look
cool also has mix of styles of ICS,
JB, KK on some parts inside.
Integrated with truly tweaks for graphic, perfomance & battery
for fast & smooth works without
lagging & on the other side long
battery life.
Full features:
v1.0 - 20/11/2013
×Status => Stable×
- Based on Official Cyanogenmod
7.2.0 build 01-03-2013 (dd-mm-yy)
- Mr.Android kernel by dany547.
- Holo Launcher v2.0.4;
- Presetted Holo Sauncher
- System themed rom in KitKat Style
(white icons in statusbar, titlebar
in settings etc);
- Resized for LDPI choose lock
pattern and tutorial;
- Resized for LDPI choose lock
- Resized for LDPI choose lock pin;
- Themed in ICS-JB-KK-Blue style
default cm 7.2 lockscreens;
- Presetted lockscreen style;
- Presetted lockscreen widget
- New Lense lockscreen theme;
- ICS-JB-KK Patterns style;
- New Themed lockscreen bubbles
style: resized and optimized for
LDPI display, port png from CM10.1
and moved carrier to bottom;
- Center clock full working (thanks
to squadzone and JerryScript for
- Ability to change bootanimation
- Resized color picker for clock,
statusbar, notification pulldown,
power widget indicator color and
- Music.apk with notification in
statusbar in ICS-JB-KK Style and
new theme;
- 10 Steps volume for ringtones,
notifications, alarms, voice calls,
and system;
- 20 Steps volume for music;
- SystemUI.apk in Android 4.1 style
with slide header for access to
brightness control;
- Settings.apk in KK style;
- Phone.apk with black background
in ICS-JB-KK style;
- Contacts.apk themed in ICS-JB-KK
- Hecker's Keyboard full themed in
JB-KK Style;
- CMScreenshot.apk ported from
CyanMobile in JB-KK Style with
camera click sound;
- Changed default folder for
screenshot: now we can find it in
sdcardDCIMNew Experience
- New Experience Wallpapers app;
- Tablet Tweaks (softkey) enabled
in a framework;
- Camerasound onoff patch by
- Videosound onoff patch by
- Android 4.3 Font;
- Full odexed rom;
- CMparts.apk (cyanogenmod
settings) enriched with my mod
(changable bootanimation and
font, statusbar transparency,
pulldown color and transparency,
clock position and color, new
option for performance as Low
Memory Killer and SD ahead cache
settings etc);
- Adrenaline boost by ImbaWind;
- Setperm tweak by me;
- Bravia Engine;
- build.prop new tweaks;
- Dalvik set at 48m to default;
- KSM Disabled;
- Compcache disabled;
- Dithering disabled;
- 16 bit trasparency enabled;
- Scrolling cache disabled to
- HOT!!!! Beats Sound with Dolby
Mobile in DPS Manager for perfect
- Ability to install unknown source
applications at first boot;
- Disabled mobile data at first
- Dsabled data roaming at first
- Presetted on "GSM Only" network
- Pre-patched host file (adaway)
for not have advertisemant in
- Removed applications: Voice
Dialer TTS, Pico TTS, Theme
Chooser and Theme Provider, CM
Update Notify, CM Stats, Protips,
Genie Widget, LatinIme default
cm7 keyboard;
Installation Instructions:
1. Download Rom Here
2. Boot Into Cwm Recovery
3. Wipe data/cahce
4. Wipe dalvik cache
5. Mount system,data
6. Install KitKat CM ROM
7. Wait installation!
8. Reboot & Enjoy!
9. Please Wait, While Prosses To Booting, "Do Not Press Any Button!
By: Se7eN Days
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